Marsha Hunt had an illustrious acting career that was able to span over 70 years. During her career, Marsha has numerous acting credits in many popular films, including Pride and Prejudice, Born to the West, The Human Comedy, The Happy Time, and Johnny Got His Gun. Besides acting, Hunt also had a successful career as a model. Back in the 50s, she was blacklisted in Hollywood due to McCarthyism. Despite this fact, she was still able to land acting jobs in various movies.

Today, the great Marsha Hunt is now 101 years old, and she’s one of the last surviving icons from Hollywood’s Golden Age. Interestingly, Hunt isn’t just known for her illustrious acting career as she has also engaged herself in several activist movements for world peace and ending world hunger. She’s certainly one of the Hollywood icons that were able to make an impact on the screen and off of it.
